Flowers have nice scent.

Flowerish Random
Wen[L]i here :D
Uh flowers are nice?

Flowery Chatters

Floral Collection

July 2007
August 2007
September 2007
October 2007
November 2007
December 2007
January 2008
February 2008
March 2008
April 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010
March 2010
Friendly Flower Areas

liu qiNg
chuN tat
sin kUaN
melisSa woO
heNry chua
boOn keN
biO teAch
sZe mEi
yeE hWa
mUn Wei
yiH cHieN
micheLe nG
henG Ji

Other Flower Areas

musIc sheEt (piAno)
StrictLy inSane
dEsigN cHroNicle
The Planters

layout} !stinkitup
font} dafonts.com
image} !stinkitup
brushes} adobe photoshop 7.0
the emo doll} drawn on paint by !stinkitup

The Petals and Leaves

Sunday, November 25, 2007

tests that i took when i was bored...

You Are 50% Weird

Normal enough to know that you're weird...
But too damn weird to do anything about it!

How Weird Are You?

Thanks to some people out there who thinks i am weird...wahaha

For the twelve days of Christmas, your true love will send you:

Twelve glam rockers drumming
Eleven carolers a-caroling
Ten ice skaters a-leaping
Nine ladies knitting
Eight goats a-milking
Seven gingerbread men a-crumbling
Six drunks a-drinking
Five golden bowls of chicken noodle soup
Four calling booty calls
Three French berets
Two stale fruit cakes
And a monkey in a cherry tree

What Will You Get for the 12 Days of Christmas?

This reminds me of the time when kristal, li ann (was pei qing involved?) and me tried to sing. We occasionally asked adam to help us with the lyrics. hahaha...

You Are a Snowman

Friendly and fun, you enjoy bringing holiday cheer to everyone you know!

What Christmas Ornament Are You?

I love drawing snowmans at one point...but being a snowman ornament? I am having second thoughts about this.

You Are An Intro-Extrovert!

Sometimes you're social - sometimes you're shy
You've got a bit of an Introvert / Extrovert split going on
You enjoy all sorts of situations. Parties, small groups, and alone time.
Too much of one, and you'll long for the other. You need variety!
Chances are, you've got both serious and fun friends - and they don't get along.

Are You An Extroverted or Introverted Girl?
Oh...i so dint know that...

Your Mind is 86% Cluttered

Your mind is incredibly cluttered. You have so much going on in there, it's hard to think straight.
Consider talking to a therapist. It's a good idea to sort through your thoughts, if only to see which ones are worth hanging on to.

How Cluttered is Your Mind?

Looking forward to see a therapist...wahahahaha...and yea, i do think a lot.

Your Observation Skills Get A B

Your senses are pretty sharp (okay, most of the time)
And it takes something big to distract you!

How Observant Are You?
Yeap...like a major make over for a person, i would be distracted...wahahahaha..actually small things too...sometimes.

There's a Chance You Could Be Violent

Overall, you're a pretty chill person - and you have a good handle on your emotions.
Sometimes your anger gets the best of you, and end up regretting how you act.
Try to curb your temper more often. It only has to get out of control once to do some damage.

Could You Be Violent?

Sob! A chance i could be violent? I want to be VIOLENT! Suddenly happy tree friends appears in my head...hmm...

Your Japanese Name Is...

Yoshe Daigo

What's your Japanese Name?
Oh..i have no comments for this one.

You Should Be a Joke Writer

You're totally hilarious, and you can find the humor in any situation.
Whether you're spouting off zingers, comebacks, or jokes about life...
You usually can keep a crowd laughing, and you have plenty of material.
You have the makings of a great comedian - or comedic writer.

What Type of Writer Should You Be?

Can i see a show of hands of those who agrees with this? Joke writer...they cant be serious, can they?

You are Barefoot!

You're a total free spirit, go with the flow girl
You can't be restricted by shoes for very long
And unsuprisingly, the same goes for men
Your match is out there - and he's as carefree as you are

What Kind Of Women's Shoe Are You?

Oh...i feel so let down..at least say that i am high heels shoe la! I so love them.

theFLOWERSdied @ 7:11 AM!!

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Things I want...

I want to play monopoly while eating a sandwich from Subway.

I want to watch a movie with white and red stripes on my popcorn box. Not forgetting with a remote control for me to replay nice scenes, forward some parts and pausing it when I need to go to the bathroom.

I want to go for a walk in big park in Australia with fountains and colourful flowers because there are so many people there to look at.

I want to pluck wild flowers because I have been deprived of flower plucking.

I want to milk a cow. By doing so, I will also be able to drink fresh milk from the cow.

I want to sit in a hot air balloon and play cloud catching.

I want to see a rainbow while fishing beside a river and having something called Chinese tea beside me. After fishing, I want to stab all the fishes there so I can see blood polluting the river.

I want to go shopping after performing broad daylight robbery to a crazy friend with an even more crazier friend. To celebrate our success, I want to buy the whole Nose shop at whichever shopping mall we go on that day.

I want to grow a tree with $100 USD as its fruits.

I want to peel an apple with a small knife and cut it.

I want to carve a pumpkin for Halloween, eat turkey with cranberry sauce for Thanksgiving and go Ikea for Christmas shopping. I like the fresh Christmas tree smell…

I want my boyfriend to be a vampire...wahahahaha

I want to hang prisms in a room with large glass windows, so that the whole room will be filled with rainbows.

I want to buy a lamp stand so that I can put a couch beside it and drink hot chocolate on a rainy day.

I want to play with make up on other people’s faces. If make ups aren’t available at that point in time, paint would also be a good substitute.

I want to knit a scarf for anyone who wants it.

I want to cycle to anywhere I want to, ride a motorbike once I am bored of cycling (like I will ever get bored of cycling) and drive a car like a mad person on the road.

I want to play on a grand piano with a scented candle nearby on a rainy day. I don’t want people listening or if it can’t be helped, I don’t want to know that they are.

I want to mould figurines according to real people and display it in a glass casing.

I want to fix jig saw puzzles as a job and as a hobby. I don’t want them to be imprisoned into a frame.

I want to shift house! So fun! T.T Oh and I would like to have a condominium as well. In my new house, I want a glass basin, a nicely framed mirror, a bathtub, a small glass room for shower, pictures in the bathroom…basically a nice bathroom…and I want staircase in the house!

I want to play pranks on people everyday with the crazier friend who featured in the daylight robbery part.

I want to attend a close friend’s wedding! I want to be either the bridesmaid or the person who makes up for the bride or the receptionist or…the best man in girl version! Wahahaha…

I want to learn a couple of magic tricks like pulling a rabbit from a lion’s mouth or cutting a person into two in real life; minus the box covering the person up.

I want to see the whole sky filled with stars at night while lying down on the ground and try to figure out pictures that can be formed after connecting the dots.

I want to go to Japan and wear a kimono.

I want to go to Paris to visit the arty structures and museums and eat pasta! I want to learn French. I want to see Eiffel Tower.

I want to play Rubik’s cube anywhere I go.

I want to go Las Vegas so I can visit the casinos there and drink coffee.

I want to design tattoos, greeting cards, etc. can’t think of anything at the moment.

I want to sit on an airplane alone at least once. I love traveling with friends.

I want to wear heels, the really high ones and be able to go shopping the whole week in it without having any aches.

I guess this is all for today’s random thoughts session.

theFLOWERSdied @ 9:42 AM!!

Thursday, November 8, 2007

~Man vs Woman

theFLOWERSdied @ 12:26 AM!!


theFLOWERSdied @ 12:24 AM!!

~ Europe vs Italy

theFLOWERSdied @ 12:17 AM!!

~Yes and No on the Road

It is funny and the dog died cute XD.

theFLOWERSdied @ 12:04 AM!!

Saturday, November 3, 2007

~pictures during prom~
This is Prince Hotel before the guests arrived...

...the way they display the dinning sets...

...our table number 21 and karie's defination of nice shot - i like it too cuz there are roses there :)

...a handout that i did not take...

...the lightings look like that...

...the menu...

...chinese tea is the last dish for the whole course >.<"

...the first dish with candle in cup; i only ate the spiring roll as karie and i headed to the ladies after that :)
...and the princess looked into the prince's eyes, waiting for him to say...wait a minute, what would masvynn say to yee teng?
...kevin and his yvonne, the girl whom he always messages like there was no tomorrow - now you see them holding hands....

...then you see them looking at something...(karie is a good paparazzi)

...the next thing u know it, they are doing something fishy; see, they are facing their backs at us

...my date and i XD

...for fio wan's sake ;) this is how my whole dress looked like...and this is the second time in the ladies...

...being Karie's model...

...yee teng and i...
...anti-clockwise: peggy, stephanie, henry lim and me...
...from left: yee teng, peggy, karie, me and stephanie...

...kevin, yvonne, karie and me...

...karie, vivian ( i love her dress...so NICE!), su szen and me...

theFLOWERSdied @ 2:43 AM!!

~ prom~

Prom. The awaited event of the year. Only for some people. Please exclude me for I hate the hustle and bustle during preparations. I hate making shop keepers happy because they gain more money and I lose it to them. I buy so much of their things and yet, they dare give me a spoilt good! My golden bag from Subway had zip crisis at the very last minute which forces me to use another bag.

Looking on the brighter side, at least this bag was bigger than the chosen bag for prom.

After weeks of shopping, discussing certain aspects with Karie and Yee Teng, the day finally arrived. Yesterday was the most purposeless day in the world because I spent the whole day grooming and preparing myself for an event. I do not spend the whole day doing something unbeneficial such as making myself look "nice" and "presentable".

All my efforts put into this is just to waste 5 hours of my life with unprofessional make up, an expensive dress, shaved legs, nicely done hair, heavy gold earrings, so-wrong-bag, shoes which only fitted my left feet properly (I had to stuff cotton wool into the right shoe), and last but not least wearing glasses occasionally just in case I do not bang into someone, which of course, I shall proudly admit, I DID.
Poor waiter.

For the first time in my life I did the following yesterday:

1) Attended prom
2) Did my own make up
3) Went to the hairdresser to get my hair done
4) Met some people I know in a hairdresser (Sue Zan, Gillian and Michelle)
5) See Karie wear a dress
6) Talked to Belle’s mum which I totally enjoyed for she was talking in Cantonese to me and I was replying back in English most of the time
7) See Belle’s house and dad
8) See Kevin’s girlfriend, Yvonne
9) See my lecturers dancing
10) See Jie Yao strumming the guitar
11) I did not bring a camera for an ‘important’ event
12) Been to Prince Hotel
13) See Pavillion
14) See people wearing dresses and tux and curl hair and make up and glassless and with a partner
15) See and smell people smoking in a hotel!
16) I think that is about it

Overall, I think I will have to say that this is a new experience for me – something different than my ordinary schedule. Thanks Fiona Wan for accompanying me with messages and sorry that I could not reply due to the shortage of energy in my phone battery.

Pictures will be uploaded later cuz the blog people seem to be having some errors. WHY LA AT THIS TIME WHEN I AM SO FREE TO UPLOAD PICS?!

theFLOWERSdied @ 2:15 AM!!